Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hardcore Esplanade!

Wake up session went ahead after postman turned up with some vinyl for me this morning!

This is a great ep from Ceephax! he is leaning towards more of a drum n bass style with his usuall acid mashings plastered ontop! Personally for me this is better than the recent 12" Hardcore Wick.

More planned from him this year so keep tunned for more info.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Intricate, ceephax and lots of work!

Been away for abit doing lots of work and then some more!

Time to have a music catch up weekend!

I finally got hold of the new Intricate 12" Captain Trunk. Very good stuff from the man again! great beats with sublime melodies. Just right for lazy afternoons watching motor racing on tv (for me anyway!).

Oh and after ordering it a week ago Warp sent me the mail I have been waiting for. Finally tellling me that Ceephax Acid Crew - Hardcore Esplanade has been sent in the post. Lets hope it arrives in the morning so I can give myself a wake up session with a nice cup a coffee!
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